Monday, January 18, 2010

Mo Graph Piece 4

Here's a short promo I did for a friend of mine Jeff Ortegon...a hilariousss comic out there right now.

Jeff Ortegon Website Promo from David Manzo-Animator on Vimeo.

Mo Graph Piece 3

I worked on this piece for TRL which was televised quite often during the summer of 2007.

TRL Backstage Pass Week Promo from David Manzo-Animator on Vimeo.

Mo Graph Piece 2

Another Motion Graphics piece I did for Steve Madden Music. The logo animation was re used often in a lot of Steve Madden music productions.

Steve Madden Intro from David Manzo-Animator on Vimeo.

Mo Graph Piece

Here's some motion graphics work I did for Playboy.

Playboy's Rock the Rabbit presents The Heavy from David Manzo-Animator on Vimeo.

My Original Reel

I've currently become a consistent editor/compositor at a prominent pre visualization company but still was previously heavily involved in motion graphics and would still like to continue to involve myself in it whenever I can. Here's an older reel of mine

Motion Graphics Reel-David Manzo from David Manzo-Animator on Vimeo.